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Sep 03, 2024, 6:00 PM – Oct 24, 2024, 8:00 PM
4881 Chichester Ave, Upper Chichester, PA 19014, USA

Welcome to Garnet Valley

NFL Flag Football:


Location: MSI Sports Complex 4881 Chichester Ave, Upper Chichester, PA

Times: Tuesdays: 6 - 8pm

Divisions 1 & 2: 6:00 – 7:00pm

Divisions 3, 4 & 5: 7:00 – 8:00pm


Game 1: Thursday September 5th, 2024: 

Location: MSI Sports Complex 4881 Chichester Ave, Upper Chichester, PA

Time: Thursdays, 6 - 8pm


Please arrive and be ready for your game 15 minutes before your scheduled time. Games will start promptly.



Weather Updates 

Football is an outdoor sport. Players will play in the rain.  If we need to cancel or postpone any games due to unsafe conditions, we will update the website AND contact coaches and parents via email.

On the Fields

We will try to have a staff member or volunteer at every game venue each week. They will be able to answer your questions and contact the directors if needed.

Field Maps – photos available on the website for reference.


Sidelines - Parents are asked to remain on the opposite side of the players bench during the games. Parents are only allowed on the sideline when granted access by the coach for an injury. Please remember that your coach is likely a parent too and will be able to tend to most bumps and bruises. 


Absolutely no pets or alcohol are permitted at any NFL Flag field. If either is found in your possession, you will be asked to leave or to leave your pet in the car for the duration of the practice or game.

As always, feel free to reach out with any additional questions not covered here. We look forward to seeing everyone on the fields this season!

Practice Map

Fall practice.jpeg

Game Fields

MSI Game Fields.jpg
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